May 6, 2020

- Have flowers delivered from a local shop. If there are no local flower shops available to deliver, you can order from sites like 1-800-Flowers, Farmgirl Flowers, or UrbanStems.
- Get her a digital photo frame! Digital frames are a great choice because your whole family can upload photos to it—from anywhere! You can get one from Bed Bath and Beyond for less than $100.
- Host a family zoom get-together. You can still have your annual Mother’s Day brunch, lunch, dinner, etc.—just from afar this year.
- Mail her a box full of her favorite things. Bath salts, hand lotion, nail polish, her favorite chocolate, lip balm and snacks all make for a great gift basket.
- Send her a hand written letter or card to tell her how much she means to you.
- Pay for a few months of a fun subscription. There are subscription services available for just about anything mom might like! Wine, popcorn, greeting cards, beauty/skin care, and meal kits are just a few of the most popular ideas.