May 4, 2020

It’s safe to say that none of the Graduating Class of 2020 got the end to their senior year that they expected. For many high school seniors, prom, sporting events, and the last few weeks of school spent with friends were a memory that they didn’t get to make. For college and high school seniors alike, the excitement of walking across the stage in a cap and gown to celebrate all their hard work is postponed, at best. But that doesn’t mean that their hard work should go unnoticed! Here are a few ways to celebrate the graduating seniors in your life.
Make a
keepsake photo book of memories that celebrates all of their accomplishments from academics to athletics and pictures with their friends and family. You can make this into a digital photo book with services like Snapfish or Shutterfly.
cap & gown photos even if their school doesn’t plan to reschedule their graduation ceremony. Even if your senior doesn’t get to walk the stage in front of their class, cap and gown photos are a must. Graduating during a pandemic might turn out to be a great story to tell their grandkids some day!
Host a
virtual ceremony and invite friends and family. Set up a Zoom or Facetime call with friends and family to celebrate your senior. Maybe you can even talk your senior into giving the “commencement speech”, or at least saying a few words to thank those that are virtually attending.
Compile a
graduation video of short “congrats” messages from family, friends, teachers, coaches, mentors, etc. A few words of encouragement from the heart of those that are important to your graduate, are a great way to show that their accomplishments haven’t gone unnoticed.
Throw a graduation party (for those in your household)! Did you have a big graduation blowout planned for your graduate? Don’t cancel the party—just make a few adjustments. Decorate the house, get dressed up, make or order treats and celebrate your senior with those in your household.
Plan a surprise
graduation day parade. Invite your graduate’s friends and family to drive by your house with signs, cheers and honks during the time and date of what would have been their graduation ceremony. Who doesn’t love a good parade and a little bit of embarrassment?!
It’s disappointing that so many hardworking graduates won’t get the graduation day of which they’ve dreamed. But you can help make it special for them even if the celebration lacks the pomp and circumstance of a traditional graduation ceremony. Don’t forget to call, send a card, send a gift and just generally celebrate the accomplishments of the graduating seniors in your life this May.